Reviewing for exams



This is the of Law Study Systems.



Each lesson consists of a tutorial, a review quiz, a downloadable outline, and other downloadable material (usually a flow chart).



(1) Do the tutorial. This teaches you the basic black letter law. If you have done the tutorial before, and are confident you have mastered the material, consider skipping this step and the next.



(2) Do the review quiz. This helps you see whether you mastered the material in the tutorial well enough to be able to apply it outside the context of the tutorial.



(3) Download the outline. The outline is a shell for you to fill in and modify to suit your specific class. Go over your class notes. Fill in and modify the outline to fit your notes. You will almost certainly want to combine the many shell outlines available into one master outline.



(4) Download the flow chart and other materials. These materials provide convenient, visual summaries. Consider integrating them into your master outline.